Friday, April 28, 2023

A Return to Blogging


This is my first post on this blog in four years.  I guess I determined that the blog was not important.  There were big changes in my personal life that included a new marriage, a pandemic, moving twice, and spinal fusion surgery.  I had to take a time-out from non-essential activities.  During the pandemic, we decided to enroll the kids in online private school, which had to be supplemented with math tutoring, enrichment, and constant supervision.  Who had time for a blog?

I did try to access the blog about a year ago, but Blogger kept asking me to name the blog, and I got confused.  I was not creating a new blog!  Anyway, once I proceeded to call my blog something today, it logged me in and gave me access to all the old content.

So today, I resume writing about music and life!  The itch to write has been satisfied through daily journaling.  I mostly write about scripture these days.  Daily conversations with God hover far above other pursuits in rank of importance.  I suppose Covid-19 and my spinal surgery have brought me down to earth about my own mortality.  I don't want to waste my life on meaningless time-drains like social media.  So I quit Facebook in 2020, except for my business page, which I stay off of as much as possible.  All the time I used to spend on social media -- I replaced with reading and writing.  I started reading a lot of literature, non-fiction, and of course, the Bible.  This shift in time-usage has been one of the best decisions of my life.  

The itch to write has also been satisfied writing letters to my husband.  He is stationed in Las Vegas on a long-term project (no, he's not military; he's a broadcast engineer).  I know the epistolary arts are a long-lost practice, but I enjoy regaling him with anecdotes of the children, my students, and all their blunders and victories.  Somehow, short spurts of text messages don't compare to a well-crafted letter.  I guess I'm old-school!

I am looking forward to updating this blog with more piano-pertinent posts in the future!  I am still teaching and performing in Loudoun County, VA and Washington, DC, and I have been updating my Instagram and my business Facebook Page with videos.  

~ Jennifer Warren Stoll