Saturday, September 30, 2023

FREE TRIAL ONLINE PIANO LESSON! We've come a LONG way since 2020! Chec...

I really want to spread the word about our FREE TRIAL ONLINE PIANO LESSON!  Are you itching to deconstruct the mysteries of the piano?  At our new home outside Las Vegas, NV, my husband and I have developed a state-of-the-art instruction studio!  I can help launch you into the piano stratosphere from anywhere in the world.  You won't even have to leave home.  Not convinced that online instruction can rival in-person?  Consider this....
  • I took 50% of my piano students with me when I moved from the east coast to the west coast.
  • They trusted the quality of my instruction enough to stay with me in our online format.
  • We can switch cameras and devices at the push of a button, creating an engaging learning experience.
  • We utilize tools such as video switchers, sound effects, Stream Deck, multiple camera views, and a virtual MIDI light-up keyboard.  
  • We use other visual aids such as the white board, virtual flash cards, and an overhead web-cam to look down on my hands.
  • We can live-edit your sheet music with many colors.
So take just four minutes of your time to WATCH THE VIDEO and get a taste of how our online instruction is awesome.  

Call or text 571-439-0136 to schedule your first free trial lesson!  Or e-mail me at

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

We moved to Vegas!

Well, a suburb of Las Vegas called Henderson.  It's akin to Reston in terms of Washington, DC suburbs.  Only twenty minutes from the Vegas strip, it's a lot more urban than we have been used to.  

I don't know who reads this.  I don't try to get readership, but hopefully someone will glean some vicarious benefits reading about our journey westward.

How did this come about?  And why such a drastic change?  Well, my husband has been stationed here working on a project on the Vegas strip for the past year.  He's probably spent less than twenty days in Virginia since January.  I flew out to visit him and fell in love with the area so we final decided -- what the heck?  I'm in entertainment (the music side) and he's in entertainment (the tech side), so it just made sense.  (The dry, warm climate has also nearly eliminated pain, inflammation, and pollen allergies).  We took a leap of faith and lined everything up so we could move.  

I've been accustomed to the lush green hills of the Blue Ridge and dense hardwood forests, so this desert mountain scenery is a big change!  But as the chili cooks on the stove, I figured I'd introduce everyone to the new place we're calling home.  More later!

These are my youngest three kids (15, 12, and 7) exploring some mountainous terrain near our new place.