Friday, February 14, 2014

My Pre-Performance Rituals

What are your pre-performance rituals?  I have found that certain rituals result in a better performance for me.  What are they?
  • Trim nails.  Nails that are just the slightest bit long throw me off.
  • Take a nap - especially before night gigs.  Hands-down, this is one of the best thinks you can do to sharpen your mind.
  • Get a full night's sleep the night before, if at all possible.
  • Have a cup of coffee 30 - 60 minutes before your performance.  I always have a cup of coffee before performance.  It gives me a little edge on my focus and alertness, but not too much.  There is a pianist who swears by 5 shots of espresso before his performances.  I have to look him up, but will edit this post later to tell you who this is.
  • Eat.  Don't ever play on an empty stomach.  Ideally, don't over-eat, because this can cause a blood sugar crash later on.  I keep almonds, yogurt, bananas, etc, with me on my gigs to keep a steady supply of blood sugar.
  • Protein helps.  If I have a morning gig, I alway do better with eggs!  I like ideally like to have a steak or red meat before evening performances, but concert pianist Vladimir Horowitz always had fish.  Fruits and vegetables are great too, but don't forgo your protein.
But there's more to a successful performance than ritual.  Most importantly, make sure you let go of all fear and play from love.  Love your music as you play it!  Listen to the sounds you're creating.  Listen to the soul of the instrument as it sings and the savor the gentleness of your tone.  Go slow and easy.  Wait for your focus to peak and your tension to ease completely before you go for that run. Let go of all inhibition and move to the music however you like; however you feel.  Enjoy yourself and stay focused.  

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